Friday, October 19, 2007

Step Eleven, Part Four---Our Common Prayer and Meditation

We sought through our common prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood him, praying only for his will for us and the power to carry that out.
Step Eleven, Recovering Couples Anonymous

One of the things that attracted me to S and S to me was our joint excitement about following a spiritual path in recovery. We spent many hours during the first few years of our relationship talking about our spiritual experiences and reading to each other things that inspired us in the spiritual books we were reading. Over the years we have attended first church and then a Buddhist sangha together. About ten years ago I suggested we pray out loud together at night just before going to sleep, and we have done that virtually every night since except when we are not together because one of us is away. During the past year we have begun trying to meditate 30 minutes together as many mornings as we are able.

There is no question in my mind that our spiritual life together has been a core piece of our deep bond with each other. There is also no question in my mind that all our talking and joint spiritual practices have been central to my recovery and to the spiritual awakening that Step Twelve promises will occur as a result of following the Steps. I am so grateful that we have this fundamental spiritual bond with each other, a bond which has only become stronger as the years have passed. It is the most powerful evidence we have that our relationship is God's will for us.

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